ART074 sähköinen pinoamistrukki

Electric stacker is a popular kind of stacker, which is convenient, smooth and efficient to stack pallets on racks and transport goods, especially suitable for operating at narrow aisles, upstairs, elevators. Because of low noise and little pollution, Electric stacker is widely used in food, medicine, textile and other industries. Feel free to send us email to tell us more about your requirements, we will reply you in 24 hours.

HH1216 electric stacker details




Technical Parameter of Electric Stacker:

Load capacity(lb.)2640
Lifting height(in.)3.5~63
Overall length(in.)71.5
Overall width(in.)31.5
Overall height(in.)83
Fork overall width(in.)21.3
Individual fork width(in.)6.3

HH1216 electric stacker details

Q & A:

Q: Where can I purchase a replacement battery?

A:We also sold the battery as a part.

Q: Is it wide enough to pick up a pallet off the ground or is it just used for racks?

A:The mini fork height is 3.5 inch and it is suitable for regular pallets.

Q: What kind of battery does this have and how is it recharged?

A: It is a lead-acid battery, 4 x 200AH. It is recharged by plugging into an outlet.

Q: Does this come with a charger? or do I need to buy one of those separately?

A:  It comes with a charger. The charger will also be sold separately.

Q: Can I get this a straddle leg?

A: Yes, Straddle leg is optional for this stacker.

Q: Can I use this stacker in my small space warehouse?

A: This stacker is designed for narrow aisles,upstairs,and also elevators etc, and the mini.steering raduis of this stacker is 57.5inch.

Q: Does this stacker has a brake system? How can I stop it?

A: This full electric stacker has a electromagnetic brake system which can work more safe and more smooth. There is also an emergecy stop button can be used when emergency.

The features of Electric Stacker:

  • low noise, little pollution
  • 24V batteries provide power
  • Forks Over Fixed Legs model is ideal for use with skids.
  • Features electric powered lift and drive
  • Reliable EPS makes driving light
  • Include an integral 240V battery charger and luminous display for battery state control.
  • Ergonomic controls include fingertip raise/lower controls, infinite forward/reverse throttle, “tortoise” push button for slow motion, horn, safety belly reverse button and emergency disconnect.
HH1216 electric stacker details

Myynninjälkeinen palvelu:

a) Jokaisella laitteella on tekniset ohjeet
b) 1 vuoden rajoitettu takuu
c) We have been in manufacturing electric stacker for many years. And we have a professional and perfect after-sales service team.

Huomio ja varoitus:

  1. Ovikehyksen ulkopuolella tulisi olla turvamerkki.
  2. Pinoavan trukin tulee olla selvästi nostoasennossa.
  3. Pinoamiskehyksen ilmeinen sijainti tulisi merkitä teräksen sarjanumerolla.
  4.  Ennen lähettämistä valmistajan on

A) kaikkien satunnaisten lisävarusteiden ja työkalujen on oltava ruostumattomia tai muita suojatoimenpiteitä;

B) levitä ruosteenestoöljyä pinottavan trukin kaikkien paljaiden maalaamattomien osien pinnalle:

C) Tarkastajien on hyväksyttävä sinetöitävät hydrauliset komponentit ennen sinetöintiä.

D) kaikille voiteluosille on levitettävä riittävä voitelurasva;

E) pinoavan kuorma-auton kaikki osat suhteellisella liikkeellä on kiinnitettävä vastaavasti:

F) Hydrauliöljy tulee lisätä määriteltyyn asentoon.

Electric Stacker manufacturer:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products, stacker electric is one of our main products. In addition to this, we can also manufacture various kinds of pallet trucks, stackers, lift tables, forklifts, crane and so on. If you would like to purchase a forklift electric stacker, you can send us email from this page for quotation now. And if you are interested in our other products, welcome to contact us via e-mail or other ways that listed in the page. We will reply you in 24 hours.

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